Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I would like to thank the academy...

I would like to thank the academy, as well as the Blakleys for their recent introduction to the newest Hatfield craze... Dance Dance. It was all made possible with their support and I would like to dedicate my first A- with the title of I Will Survive (remix)-to Justin and Erin.

Bring it on!!!


Jessica said...

Fun times! :) Dancing is DEFINITELY not my forte.

Erin said...

haha! I just read this...hilarious...and... you're going down!

by the way...your version must be easier (right?) because i have YET to get an A!

Jessie said...

Oooohhh....I HAVE THIS!!!! When you come in (whenever that is) - it is SO on!!!! BTW - it's supposed to help with wieght loss...I ought to drag it out again. I quit playing when I got pregnant and couldn't quit throwin up...I should get practicing for you